Sunday, January 25, 2015


My UPC (battery backup) decided to die tonight, the alarm blaring intermittently until it drove me batty.  I'll have to go buy another one tomorrow, in the mean time if the power fails, so will my computer, fingers crossed that the clear skies continue and no lightening strikes tonight (not likely really).  Drew my heart shaped hole punch that I worked with all day today, working on a valentine card exchange.  The quote is just one I had saved, and has absolutely nothing to do with the drawing of the hole punch.


  1. Yay for Tolkien!

    re the UPS (uninterruptible power source).... it might be possible to just replace the battery, depending on whether you have the kind of store that stocks them. When every our UPS batteries die, we just replace them from Fry's.
    --Kate B

  2. Excellent advise, I'll remember that for next time, already bought a new UPS yesterday.
