Sunday, June 29, 2014


Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach, was very popular when I was in high school.  I still find wisdom and inspiration in the words, so today a much longer quote on my page.  Used my Pentel Pocket Brush pen for the seagull flying and inktense pencils for the color.  The 'big' words were done with my green 3.8mm Pilot Parallel Calligraphy pen, the rest of the quote was written with my Lamy Joy Calligraphy pen with a 1.5mm nib loaded with Noodlers Lexington Gray Ink.


  1. Your writing is beautiful! (The way you paint it- is what I'm referring to.)
    Love the seagull too.

  2. Thanks Pamo… I try to slow down and get my hand writing under control, hoping my grand children will learn cursive so that they can read it :-)
