Saturday, June 14, 2014


June 14 1777... the flag was adopted... 237 years ago. The Army is 239 years old today. We are young, a very young country America.  Will the USA last? Will this experiment in government of the people, by the people for the people survive? Will people give up their liberty for a little safety and security? Will Americans let the 'elites' in the government raise our children, supply our needs and decide who lives or dies? Or will the Republic for which this flag stands continue... and grow stronger and freedom and equal justice for all prevail? Or will we crumble and Fall and be a paragraph in the our great, great grandchildren's history books, the Rise and Fall of the United States of America?


  1. Interesting post, you can only hope for the best in years to come. Great flag btw

  2. I hope and pray, for the sake of my grandchildren that this little experiment in liberty continues. Thanks for dropping by Polly.
