Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I LOVE pecans, they are my favorite nuts, followed by peanuts.  So at your house are they called PUH-CONS or PEE-KAUNS.  I was obviously raised in a mixed household, my grandmother called the PEE-Kauns, but my mother called them PUH-cons… l usually say the name the way my mother did, but the further South I go, I can call them PEE-Kauns.  However you say it… they are very good.


  1. Peecans for me here in the UK. My fave is macadamia (the low calorie ones of course). Happy Thursday

  2. Any way you say it, they are delish. Bought some yesterday.

  3. Interesting Polly, so the PEEcan pronunciation comes from our British heritage… that means the PUH-cons must be the rebel American pronunciation. Thanks for letting me know.

  4. I saved two to draw from a bag of them I was eating, shortly after the drawing those 2 were gone as well.

  5. I love pecans too and yes it's a great drawing :)

  6. Oh Liuba, I have loved them even as a child we had a pecan tree in our yard I used to crack them on the sidewalk. Thanks for your kind words.

  7. I love pecans too! Your drawing is great.

    I say Pee Kaun. I always thought it was the only way to say it until someone made fun of my asking for a piece of Pee Kaun pie last year.

  8. Funny Pamo...if it weren't for my mother and grandmother saying it differently. I'd have only said it one way too.
