Thursday, July 31, 2014
Sketchbook Skool Kate Johnson homework
Actually enjoy doing a thumbnail on copier paper, which is why it is taped to this page. I used 4 chartpak value markers, they make it easy by numbering the values, the white of the paper being number 1, I used 3, 5, 7, and 9. The marshes around here are mostly green now, still a few brown/yellow/violet colors, but mostly green these days.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
My brother's wife Vickie posted a drawing of a pink bird on facebook yesterday and said she wanted one. Today I drew her a pink bird, used a bit of my new washi tape with sea gulls on it. I got several rolls of this tape, now I've got to figure out what to do with it.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
I couldn't decide whether to do a Heron, an Egret or a Sand Piper for my bird homework. The Sand Piper won, now for a green area, I was scoping out the colors on the marsh tonight as I drove over the bridge headed to a meeting. I think the marsh will work for my landscape in shades of green homework.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Monday's are hectic for me at work, so I tried out one of my stencils, and at new 'M' rubber stamp. Forgot to credit Aesop with the saying, I've added it to the page but didn't feel like re-scanning it. Time to feed the dogs and call it a day.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Hottest day of the year so far today, and it is supposed to be even hotter tomorrow. Thunderstorms tomorrow should help cool it down a bit, it was brutally hot out there today. Days like this bring the Nat King Cole 'Summer Song' to mind and I can't get that catchy tune out of my head.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Friday, July 25, 2014
Poor Gracie has had a bad week, she hates thunderstorms and we've had afternoon storms every day this week. Late afternoon thunderstorms hit again today, knocked out the satellite tv for almost 30 minutes, which is very unusual. Gracie was under my desk drooling on my feet the whole time.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
I bought some stencils from Michael's a while back, I tried them in the gray journal, using white gouache but I wasn't particularly happy with the effect. I have tried using some colored ink from a 'Colorbox' stamp pad, it too was not particularly successful. For this page I used some Dr.Phil's liquid watercolor and a foam brush, it turned out pretty nice and I think I like the effect.
Sketch Book Skool - Homework
Turning in my homework on the last day of Brenda Swenson's klass. It was a fun week, that I enjoyed a lot. I've taken of workshop with Brenda in Boone, NC at Cheap Joe's School, she is a wonderful teacher and an accomplished artist that I admire very much.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Found an old notebook where I'd written this trouble saying down… almost had a rain free day, but as sunset approached so did a thunderstorm.
Vaya Maya - Fist pages
My first pages for the Fantasy trip to Mexico online journaling class with Diana Gessler. Loving the colors and fun pages Diana always has in her classes.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
I'm taking an online art class about a trip to Mexico. I love the bright colors and the creative lettering the instructor Diana Gessler uses in this class. This lettering was inspired by artist Karen Blados, whose lettering on her sketchbook pages have always inspired me.
So I dug out this old barrette I bought years ago, because I liked the colors in it (it is useless as a barrette, falls out of my hair). I used my Zig Clean Color brush pens to color this, I love how easy they are to use and how bright the colors are.
So I dug out this old barrette I bought years ago, because I liked the colors in it (it is useless as a barrette, falls out of my hair). I used my Zig Clean Color brush pens to color this, I love how easy they are to use and how bright the colors are.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Spent the day doing laundry and catching up on my homework in the two online art classes I'm in. Got my Sketch book skool t-shirt last week, today my coffee cup came… I LOVE it. The girls (Gracie and Dixie) got into a fight today, I'm going to have to keep them apart as they did not settle it, terriers can be so stubborn sometimes.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
We took the advice of the GPS on the route home BIG MISTAKE, we ended up way South of where we usually go, ended up in Cleveland Georgia. Passed by the trail head of the Appalachian Trail, very foggy on that mountain. Ron actually got a bit of sun between Newberry SC and Charleston, but we met with a down pour in Summerville. I left Ron to unload the car, and took off to Cottageville to pick up our dogs from the Camp Heike Kennel aka Canine Cottage. They always have fun at Heike's place, but I can tell they were glad to see me, and glad to be home. I took a bite out of my Klondike ice cream sandwich, before drawing it, I do love these 100 calorie treats every once in a while. It is good to be home.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Raining again today… ugh.. we picked up some free maps at the Neal's Gap store yesterday and decided to try the Cherohala Skyway loop, skipping the dragon and looping instead back toward our cabin on the other side of Murphy. First a trip back to the dragon store, because I had gotten dragon stickers for my motorcycle helmet, that I put on Ron's helmet by mistake. Had to go back to get more for my helmet. The clouds blocked our view from the skyway most of the morning, but since this ride is over 50 miles long, I still got some great shots toward the end when the clouds finally cleared. We definitely want to come back to do this ride again… great views plenty of curves for the bikes, and ample pull offs with picnic tables and bathrooms. Back at the cottage our last soak in the hot tub was uneventful.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Awoke today to the sound of rain on the tin roof…this area of the country hasn't had rain in 2 months, so the local weather person was thrilled with the rain… which came down ALL DAY LONG… So we did the Dragon, but didn't take the motorcycle, we took the Smart Car, it was quite the scenic drive with queen anne's lace, daisies and black eyed susan's growing wild on the sides of the road. Andrews NC has this fabulous display of day lilies, unfortunately I didn't get a photo of them. No snakes joined us in the hot tub tonight.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Spent most of the day in the Smart Car, driving to Murphy NC, Ron rode his Harley. Our original plan was to take the bikes on the trailer, unfortunately the Yellow Jeep we use to haul the trailer, broke down and couldn't be repaired in time for the trip….. so… plans changed. This cute cabin, called BumbleBee Hideaway, just darling well equipped and the best feature a HOT TUB on the front porch. We unloaded the car and hit the hot tub and really were enjoying it when we were joined by a snake… YIKES!! Ron splashed the snake with water, which knocked him off the tub… but well… that ended our hot tub enjoyment for the evening.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Journal #27 Title Page
Back to WHITE paper, this is a Leuchtturm1917 Journal, the paper feels really nice under my pen, and takes a bit of watercolor… looks forward to getting back to watercolors, playing with gouache was fun, but I don't like it as much as watercolor.
Final selfies for Sketchbook Skool, must admit I'm glad to be done with them. Ready for the next teacher, Brenda Swenson I do believe. And I've started a new class with Diana Gessler, "Vaya Maya"…it started today.
Based on this photo of me and Senator Tim Scott, when he was Congressman Tim Scott.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Monday, July 14, 2014
Ok these are getting worse are they not? Only 3 more, and then this selfie assignment will be over. I think I'll do one from imagination tomorrow… because looking at myself in photos and the mirror… well… I'm getting tired of looking at me too.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Plano Palette
I love shopping in the fishing tackle area, found this fabulous little plastic box made by Plano. It is 4 1/4" x 2 3/4" and 1 1/4" deep. It has dividers fully sealed on one side slightly smaller than a full size pan, so I loaded the paint straight into the 10 sections, it had a middle spot (why I do not know) that I was able to fit 3 half pans in. The other side of the box has a section large enough for a water brush and an Escoda Travel mop (my other Escoda travel brushes are just a hair too larger to fit). Those little circles are instant towels… very cool item also found in the fishing/camping area. A bit of sea sponge and this little box is ready to roll. It is sitting on my new orange Leuchtturm1917 sketchbook, that I'll be starting this Thursday.
My selfie homework, this time a magnifying mirror and just my right eye. The butterfly stamp and hello stamp were a recent Michael's purchase. Had to give them a try.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
This is the continuous line selfie, used pastel pencils to add a bit of color, I'm not this peachy complected, actually my skin is quite red, even though I'm not sun burned I look like I am. I like this selfie a little better than the one yesterday, but it still doesn't look much like me…
Friday, July 11, 2014
OMG who is that woman? Used a dark grey Tombow marker, perhaps not the best choice for this. One down, six to go… this one was done from a photo made my my computer. Used Photoshop to make it black and white, thinking that would make the shadows easier to see… my monkey is screaming at me so I've got to post this fast to shut him up.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Can't believe I'm almost to the end of this sketchbook and don't have any drawings of Beau in here yet… barely got his nose drawn, and he rolled over the other way, with his back to me, I swear he has radar and knows when I'm trying to draw him… before I could even start painting… he got up and left the room, lucky for me I know very well what my 16 year old dog buddy looks like. Braved the mosquitoes to do my homework for Sketchbook Skool…
Sketchbook Skool Homework
Two hours before weekend ends and week 2 begins, I finally did my homework. Just under the wire. #SBSSeeing1
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Had to pick up the Smart Car from the dealership, it was in for it's annual checkup, then to PetSmart to get dogfood, and Milkbone dog cookies, then to Chili's for their Wednesday night baby back ribs special.. they were so good, couldn't eat them all so I'll have some for lunch later this week.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Went to the dentist this afternoon, the Novocain has now worn off, and my head is splitting in half… I rarely get headaches, so when I do it knocks me for a loop… that loop is sending me to bed now.
Monday, July 7, 2014
Our pepper plants are producing way faster than we can eat them. Tonight we tried a new recipe for Pepper Sauce… yes I do know how to spell sauce… the only change we made was to reduce the sugar content (we are diabetics). It really turned out fabulous, our home grown jalapeños are much hotter than store bought. Tomorrow we're going to try the same recipe using Banana peppers with a couple of habaneros thrown in for 'fire'. This pepper sauce is supposed to last in the refrigerator for a year… don't think it'll last that long around here, Ron LOVES it.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
The second semester of Sketchbook Skool started on the 4th of July. The first assignment a piece of toast. I decided not to try to paint the toast, just leave it ink only. Do you see the face? I see one now, didn't as I was drawing it.
Pansy Challenge
The challenge, paint a Pansy or Violet in June… I finished my Pansy today… alas June slipped away from me.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Took off this morning in the yellow Jeep to pick up a kayak trailer Ron had bought. About 40 minutes into the trip the Jeep started acting off, developed a knock and well, we turned around and headed back home, left the Jeep at the Jeep dealership for a check up and repairs. They actually finished fixing it today, so while Ron was getting his Jeep out of hock at the dealership I went to Michaels and got some rubber stamps, and the stencil I used on this page… I'm thinking gouache isn't the best paint to use with this. Just did some doodles of birds and called it a day.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Happy Independence Day America, Ron and I went to see the movie 'America' today. What a great movie to see on the 4th of July, and the audience actually clapped when the movie was over (that doesn't happen often these days). If you get the chance to see this movie this weekend, go see it.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
The weather news people are having fun, hanging out on the beaches, in the wind and rain to report of the first hurricane of the year. Passed by us around 1pm today, a bit of a disappointment, very little rain and the wind wasn't very impressive either. I hope it remains a gentle giant and doesn't ruin too many holiday cookouts tomorrow.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Inspired by someone posting a dragonfly painting, I tried to draw one too. I think I liked hers better than mine… oh well that happens to me a lot. Always learning, always striving to improve. A new Sketchbook Skool class starts this Friday, I'm really looking forward to being inspired by some really great teachers.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Happy Canada Day to our neighbors to the North, hope you guys had a great celebration today. Looking forward to our 4th of July celebration this Friday. Hot and humid here today, storm brewing off the coast of Florida, smack dab over Freeport Grand Bahamas, hunker down folks.
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