Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Nov04Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

The people are finally having their say... and boy are they. I've voted in every Presidential Election since I turned 18... this is without a doubt the longest I've ever had to wait to vote... and the most people I've seen voting... tonight the cars are still parked in the street and people are standing in line in the dark drizzly rain to vote... no matter who wins tonight I'm proud of my fellow citizens today.


  1. Wow, that's a long wait, but for a good reason! Took me all of about 10 minutes here in our little bitty town, but the place looked busy every time I passed it during the day :)

  2. I voted a few weeks ago so I dodged the long line thing. I'd like to think that I'd stand as long as it took.
