Friday, February 28, 2014
A bristle brush I got from Sterling Edwards, he is a wizard with them… me not so much. I use the smaller ones for grasses but that's about the only thing I can do with them. I'm signed up for a workshop with him this September, maybe I'll figure these out then.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Went shopping at Lowe's then stopped at O'Charlies for chicken pot pies… Ron and I both love their pot pies. We backed the new trike out and took pictures of it, then tucked it in between the other bikes and covered it to keep the birds from pooping on it LOL.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Rainy and cold today, the egrets fold up their long necks, appear to hunch their shoulders (really it's the tops of their wings) and manage to look as miserable as I feel. It is supposed to be even colder tomorrow… SPRING where are you?
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
By the time I got home from work, the new Harley was parked in the yard, we immediately left on a little ride to West Ashley and Parson Jack's for dinner. Too dark when we got home from dinner to take pictures, but I'll take pictures tomorrow in the sunshine, it rides VERY NICE. I like it very much.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Flat tire this morning, luckily I was able to get hold of Ron to change it. Blessings to the SC State Patrol officer who stopped and dispatched a SHEP truck, and to the fellow in the SHEP truck who offered his hydraulic lift making changing the tire much easier for Ron. Finished off my morning at the Firestone store where they found a nail in the side wall of the other front tire… so now I have two brand new tires on my Jeep. If it was going to happen I'm glad it happened close to home and not 60 miles down the road.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
We had great weather for the ride home, then a trip to the Harley store where our favorite salesman Hal worked his magic and we're buying a new Harley on Tuesday. It's a Tri-Glide and I REALLY like it, Hal sold it to me and with a little arm twisting Ron was hooked as well.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Had a great time in Savannah Ga. yesterday, it was so good to see my friend Debo. It was great to meet some of the other sketchers I only knew by their art before. Sadly I had to call it quits after the second square, I got cold and the walking was too much for me. I had hoped I'd be able to ride instead of walking, but no on street parking was available. Ron and I enjoyed a wonderful dinner, and had a great ride back to Charleston, we were blessed with good weather all weekend. I created an album with all my other sketches and photos you can see them here...
Friday, February 21, 2014
Charging up my phone, tablet, camera batteries, and my iPod nano. Earlier in the week rain was predicted for Saturday here in Charleston and in Savannah… now that rain appears to have moved off shore. So Ron and I will travel to Savannah on our motorcycles tomorrow, spent the evening packing art stuff for the sketch crawl. I'm hoping to be able to post tomorrow, but for sure I'll post when I get home on Sunday.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Running the heater more than usual the last couple of weeks has left me with dry itchy skin. I've been giving my back scratcher a work out, it is so bad I have one on my desk and one in my car.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
What day is it? Let me direct your attention to today's high… 80 degrees, actually got to 81 degrees at our house. Spring is just around the corner folks, hang in there all you folks still shoveling snow.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Tried out the palette knife for the palmetto tree trunk, worked ok, but I think my paint was way too thin. Less water more paint next time should work better. I used a flat brush to do the fronds, I usually use a round brush, so this was an experiment as well.. I think I like the effect the flat brush gives on palmetto fronds… and the trunk didn't turn out too bad either.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Today we celebrate George Washington and Abe Lincoln's birthday. At our house we also celebrate Beau's birthday and Ron's daughter Melissa's birthday. I had the day off, Ron had to work. Made reservations to spend the night in Savannah Georgia next Saturday night… Urban Sketcher's get together that my friend Debo told me about.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Sunday afternoon hockey game, was a disappointment. The Everblades came to play hockey, not sure what the Rays were doing but it wasn't working for them.
Raindrops on Roses...
Painting is on 11x14 300 lbs Fabriano Paper, I am quite pleased with how it turned out.
As promised a good photo of my Valentine's Day Roses… as they open up they are even more beautiful.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
I watched a Sterling Edwards video recently, where he demonstrated using a palette knife to paint with watercolors. I had attended a Tony Couch workshop last year where he used one too… got to have all the tools of the trade, so in my box of supplies from Cheap Joe's this came this week.
Ron had to work this morning, and I got a lot more work done on my rose painting… I may actually get it finished tomorrow, it is coming together.
Ron had to work this morning, and I got a lot more work done on my rose painting… I may actually get it finished tomorrow, it is coming together.
Friday, February 14, 2014
My husband gave me a huge surprise today, roses, this huge vase of roses. I'll try to get a better picture of them tomorrow in the sunlight. He doesn't usually do things like this, he gives me gifts all the time, but rarely on occasions like Valentines or anniversaries and such, so this was a big surprise for me.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Everything closed down again today, lots of people lost power but ours stayed faithfully on. Got a box of art supplies from Cheap Joe's today, including a tube of Winsor & Newton Raw Sienna. They used to be white tubes, now the tube is silver (bare aluminum) with a clear sticker on it with the paint color and name etc. I suppose this makes there manufacturing process a tab bit cheaper since they get to skip the step of painting the tube white, I do wish they'd used a white label, it is hard to read the color name on the tube, I may print my own label for it so that I can tell what's what without a magnifying glass.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
I'm reading 'One Watercolor a Day' by Veronica Lawlor, this is part 1 of the Day 4 Exercise. I'm not able to do a painting a day, so I'm trying to do at least a couple of these exercises a week. There's a Facebook page too where people reading the book are sharing their exercises, and the author of the book actually pops in fairly regularly and comments on everyones work and offers tips and advise.
This color is Holbein Marine Blue which is a Blue/Green color that I like very much.
This color is Holbein Marine Blue which is a Blue/Green color that I like very much.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Getting colder here, isn't freezing yet. It has been rainy and gray all day… the worst is supposed to hit tonight or tomorrow. I woke up with a serious sore throat this morning and have been hitting the vitamin C again.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Sunday, February 9, 2014
I do enjoy pots of coffee on the weekend… the weekend draws to a close and soon Monday will be upon us. Time to wrap up a few things and get some sleep before tomorrow.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Trying to paint a rose with a water drop on it this morning… using my Schmincke paint box, as it is loaded with the colors I need. Drew the Schmmicke Owl and used their Sepia paint around him. Sepia isn't a color I have ever used before, I think it might mix well for some muted grays maybe. Off to dinner with friends then a hockey game.
Friday, February 7, 2014
The forecast was for a high of 57, but the reality was the high according to my thermometer was 61 today. Nice blue skies today too… but my cold lingers, so my ability to enjoy it was stifled. Out of ideas on what to draw, so I plucked my scissors out of my pencil cup and drew them… best I can manage thru the fog of this sinus headache.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Sneezing, running nose, sore throat, headache… the bug has struck again. I'm taking mega doses of vitamin C via Emergen-C and so far it has helped that much.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
I have on online friend, a really nice lady whose handle on Flickr and Ipernity is Miz Dee. We've never met in person, but that is just geography, she is my friend and she is recovering from heart surgery. So this page will hopefully brighten her day and speed her recovery. Get well soon Miz Dee and back to your painting.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Thought I'd give an update on my hyacinth, in spite of the cold weather last week it seems to be doing well, the flower shows more form now and it is about an inch and a half taller than it was a couple of weeks ago.
Monday, February 3, 2014
What a difference a day makes, my daffodil opened today. It sure brightened my day to see it's sunny yellow face. Gray cloudy morning, sun peeked out a bit late this afternoon… had to turn the window air conditioner on in the computer room it got so hot in there this afternoon. Only in Charleston can you have an ice storm and 5 days later have to run the A/C… but I do love it here.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
What a difference a day makes, blue sky temps in the seventies, today was a gorgeous pre-Spring day. Found a daffodil in the yard, ready to bloom. My grandmother, mother, indeed I have always called these yellow flowers Jonquils even though almost everyone else calls them Daffodils. 'A rose by any other name would smell as sweet'… old William had it right didn't he?
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Rained all day long, I did laundry all morning, in the afternoon Ron and I went shopping to get him a GPS for the Smart Car, and while we were in the store I got myself a new smaller tablet. I had been looking at a mini iPad, but I really like Ron's Samsung tablet, and it was a bunch cheaper… so I got a table like his.
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