Saturday, January 29, 2011


This is the other painting I did in Helen Beecham's class. I saw a painting like this on the internet, unfortunately I do not remember the name of the artist (if you recognize this as similar to a work of yours, please let me know and I will give you credit). So this is a copy, not an original... I've actually tried to reproduce what I remembered about the original painting several times... but this time I think I captured the look that I liked so much, so of abstract and dream like quality to the marsh. It is on 300 lbs paper size is 11x14.


  1. Oh, Elaine- it's gorgeous! And I happen to think it's an original of yours inspired by another painting.

    Isn't all art derivative in some way? Wonderful work!

  2. Pamo... you're so sweet...thanks for the comment I appreciate it.

  3. I agree with PAMO.

    It is really beautiful!
