Friday, January 21, 2011


Had to give drawing Mr. Peabody a try... shopped at the Charleston Bead Store this afternoon, they've got a really nice store at Citadel Mall, got a clasp to fix my watch, and a copy of extra things... I'll have to go back without the martial unit, so that I can really look... if you know what I mean.  I bought a couple of beads off of ebay tonight... from my good friend and glass bead artist Belinda Todd... check it out


  1. Mr. Peabody is darling! And that bead is gorgeous.
    I do know what you mean about shopping. The marital unit tries, but still.... :-))

  2. Fun drawing! M. Peabody looks very serious and cute!

  3. Loved the drawing and still laughing about the marital unit.
    Some retired guys stick like Velcro. What's up with that?
    Love him to death, but I need hours alone in certain stores.

