Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The year is winding down... only one day left of 2010. Did you call it Two Thousand Ten, or Twenty Ten? Will next year be Two Thousand Eleven or Twenty Eleven? Everyone says Nineteen oh one for 1901, but everyone said two thousand one for 2001... so who decides these things? The tv talking heads? The people? Why does my princess have such a long neck? oops.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Hockey tonight... we had a lack luster 1st period, but an inspired 2nd period put us one ahead, well into the 3rd period... when Greenville tied up the game 3-3... we then lost in a shoot out. Our goalie isn't very good one on one... so we lost. I enjoyed the game none the less... now off to bed.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
It was really COLD in the office today... somebody left the heat off over the weekend, would not be a issue most of the time, but the heater never caught up today and it stayed cold all day. This egret was sunning himself on the lawn, I've never seen one so close and so far away from the creek before.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Spent my day off doing laundry and working in my Sketchbook 2011 Project book. Found this photo on the web and it inspired my attempt at a similar spiral... harder to do than it looked... but very compelling image... see it here
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve, traditional day of travel, in Jesus time, it was the camel for the kings and a donkey for Mary and Joseph. For us today it'll be my red Jeep...
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Got the presents wrapped, still need to pack for the trip to Atlanta... Merry Christmas everyone be safe if you are traveling.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Getting closer... went to the mall tonight for 1 last thing, and for scotch tape and more wrapping paper... still have to wrap them all up...
Nice and warm today, so I rode my scooter to work.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Ron usually has a long mostly gray beard, and I like to tease him and children by saying... he's Santa and watching they better behave... Well this year I only got to do that once, before Ron had to cut his beard back very short :-( But he got me back and told a child I was Mrs. Santa Claus... and the kid bought it... it was kinda fun.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Saw African penguins up for adoption on the news this morning... you don't actually get a penguin like you would a puppy from the shelter... they want people to send them money to save the penguins.. they had 3 on them in the studio... they were very cute... and so I drew a couple of penguins today.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Weather was PERFECT for our Christmas parade today... we had 10 jeeps all decorated for the parade thru Summerville SC... after the parade we rushed home to walk dogs and get to the hockey game... our team won in a shoot out... dinner then home... now the day is done, time to feed the pups and go to bed.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Jack on the Beach
What better way to chase away a gray rainy day... paint a beach scene and include a Jack Russell... This is on 9x12 300lbs Kilimanjaro watercolor paper.
Unsuccessful shopping today, didn't find anything I was looking for... time is running out EEEK.. It rained just enough to be annoying all day long.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Hershey's Kisses... I LOVE them, I loved my grandmother's bowl filled with red and silver ones during the Christmas season.
We're having a HEAT wave... almost got up to 60 today, which is 'normal' for this time of year here.... hopefully, the cold snap is OVER until February.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Got a little warmer today... still too cold for me to ride my scooter to work. I did see some brave souls on bikes today... still too cold for me. Ten shopping days till Christmas... eeek...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Brrrr the cold snap continues, I do hope this knocks down our flea population, and dare I wish for fewer mosquitoes come Spring. Beau is madly in love as Gracie is in season now, he is quite miserable... I don't know why we haven't spayed her, maybe because she only goes in season every 10 months and so it isn't that much of an issue.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Cold, bitterly cold today, with wind chills making you feel even colder. Got an email from my art teacher about her watercolor classes starting on January 5th... I'm looking forward to the class and getting some painting done. Check out her work at
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Ron and I shopped at a couple of toy stores today, then went to the Sporting Goods store to look at kayaks, Ron wants one, I'm not sure if I could paddle one, with my bad back. Popped over to Jack's Cosmic Dog's for a hot dog for lunch, since the parade was canceled due to rain.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Went Christmas shopping today, found 1 present, and several things for ME... not exactly how it was supposed to work. We are supposed to be in a Christmas parade tomorrow, but the weather isn't looking too good right now. Hope it doesn't get rained out.
Just a little Dunes painting... I used raw sienna, it doesn't look this yellow in person even so I'm not particularly happy with this 'sand' color.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Yesterday minimal, today I couldn't stop drawing poinsettia leaves... The lobby of our office is full of poinsettias this year, I haven't counted but I'd be willing to bet there are more than 50 of them... they are so beautiful.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
I know people who live up north where it gets REALLY cold don't understand what I'm whining about... but it is VERY cold here, freezing again this morning.. busted our garden hose... I can't remember it ever being this cold for this many days in a row, even in January which is usually our coldest month. Lots of Christmas cards feature a minimalist tree like this, thought I'd give it a try... kinda fun.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
I don't know if you remember my egret from the summer who needed sunglasses because it was so hot? Well the egrets need hats and scarves today, we are having record breaking cold here...brrrrr
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Very cold in Charleston, way colder than is usual here, it barely made it to 35 degrees today...brrrrr
Remember Pearl Harbor, my father always reminded us of it as kids, and it helped to remember because it is my brother's birthday too.
I read yesterday with tears in my eyes about the passing of my internet friend Speck's kitty, today Elizabeth Edwards died of cancer... no tears for her I'm afraid.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Below freezing in Charleston SC this morning, my bird bath was frozen... brrrrr I HATE cold weather, I am thankful God sent me to Southern parents. We have a hockey game tonight, so a little bird with a hockey stick.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
My baby girl is forty today... that can't be right... I'm WAY to young to have a 40 year old child aren't I? I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday... spaghetti was NOT a good choice for lunch, when a baby is on the agenda for 2:30 in the afternoon :-) Happy Birthday darling girl, you'll always be my baby.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Tonight is the teddy bear toss at the hockey game. Everyone brings a teddy bear to the game, when our team scores it's first goal, everyone throws the teddy bears on the ice, they scoop them up and give them to local kids for Christmas. We have our teddy bears and are ready for the game.... hopefully, our team will score a goal tonight :-)
Friday, December 3, 2010
Deep dish pizza from Dominos, we are one of Dominos return customers, we had switched to Pizza Hut when Dominos quality went down, and the delivery got slower and slower, we live less than 1 mile from the Dominos and the Pizza Hut is right across the street... anyway, the quality on the Pizza Hut pizzas had started going down, and so we gave Dominos another chance... folks the ads are TRUE, they really have improved their pizza... plus you can order online and watch the progress of your pizza... we don't do delivery anymore, we just go pick it up... so our pizza's are hot and fresh now... I ate WAY too much :-)
Thursday, December 2, 2010
I love the Christmas season, and yet I hate shopping... and I hate parties... especially office parties, where you are expected to dress up, and socialize with people that you work with every day (and may or may not like) I did learn years ago to NEVER drink at such parties... loose tongues can damage your career. As I've gotten older I just don't go to such parties.... not attending is NOT damaging to your career. Clubs and organizations that are full of people that mostly you like have parties too... and these parties you won't damage your career, but you can damage fragile friendships... so no drinking at these parties either... and now I don't attend those parties either... I do like to get together with my family, but those aren't really parties. So granny isn't a party animal anymore... not that I ever was much of a drinker or party girl.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Right on schedule... Charleston has four seasons, Almost Summer, Summer, Still Summer and Christmas... these cold temperatures mean it's December and Christmas is just around the corner. Happy Chanukah to all my Jewish friends.
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