Sunday, July 11, 2010


Back breaking.. bathing dogs...but they all needed it... everyone smells like coconut now... they aren't that thrilled but I like it.


  1. I used to joke that a dog's favorite shampoo scent would be along the lines of "just rolled in dried up cow poo in a pasture, waded through the skanky edge of the pond, rolled in some fresher poo, drug a rotting animal carcass a few feet, came home, raided the cat litter box for a few treats, rolled in some more poo I found in the alley, and I smell great."

  2. P.S. I do love dogs, even though the cat person hubby says no to a woof-woof... I just love puppeh-dog thinking, and I'm thinking you are right that they aren't too crazy about the coconut, lol
