Friday, May 22, 2009


RockyRiver, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

This is supposed to be a very rocky river... I'm afraid I got bored with the 'little' rocks... and didn't do a very good job on them... I don't like my bank either... and the distant hill has a halo... and well I pretty much don't like this at all... and I must admit I wasn't fond of the teacher's painting either... so on to the next lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, you do not like it. But, it looks like you learned a lot from it! The rocks in the foreground look great and the perspective is right. A lot of depth here. Personally I don't like to do landscapes -I'm always drawn to people sketches-but it doesn't mean they don't have something to teach us; right?

    My recent beach sketch had tons of shells. I just couldn't get into them, so I left most out! It does get boring! (to do, not to see ;)
