Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Big whoops on that left ear... blue paint sorta covered it up. Other than that nose too long, eyes to small... not my best effort on little Gracie May.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Went to a breakfast meeting with Senator Jim DeMint this morning... it was an encouraging meeting. I had a question drawn again to ask the Senator (maybe I should buy a lottery ticket). I don't like this drawing of Jim, his face is not this thin, and I totally messed up his hair and mouth, the more I messed with it the worse it looked. It's funny the more I like someone the harder it is for me to do a caricature of them... it's easy to exaggerate the nose or ears or mouth of someone you don't like.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Another idea for my coaster project... drew him too big, the tiles are only 3 1/2 inches square. Foggy this morning.. but cleared up finally, pop up storms didn't make it to my house tonight... my Lantana did not do well this year, I don't know why.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
I have a box of tiles to paint, I can't decide if they are ceramic or actual marble. I hope the glass paint will work on marble. It the kind you bake in the oven at 300 degrees to set the paint to make it dishwasher safe. Has anyone got experience with this? Might be fun to make some coffee cups too.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
I have type II diabetes, diagnosed in 1996, I remember the year because the Olympics were in Atlanta that year. My life changed when diabetes came into my daily life.. there is no cure for this disease. I have childhood friends that had juvenile diabetes, none of them are alive today... Some day maybe a cure will be found, in the mean time these are the things that keep me alive, without them I wouldn't last very long.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Got a box from Dick Blick yesterday, but didn't get to explore with my new pencils until today. I have a lot more exploring to do with these pencils. I think I like wetting these with a Nija waterbrush, rather than a wet regular brush... only because I couldn't figure out how wet the regular brush was. I really like the intense color on the ink tense pencils, the ADs are most subtle, but I like them better than my others.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
We attended Tim Scott's townhall meeting tonight that featured Michele Bachmann. I even got one of the questions I submitted answered. You know what I liked about her, besides the answer she gave, I like that she looked me in the eye and talked to me, like she and I were the only ones in the room. She handled all of the questions presented to her with common sense solutions. If you have a chance to attend an event like this you should go... I'll never again pick a candidate based on what the MEDIA tells me to think, or on a 30 second tv ad that's cute.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Went to Mt.Pleasant to watch the 'Restoring Courage' rally in Jerusalem ... It was a moving rally. Ron hurt his foot today, so he can barely walk.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
The earth quake felt very odd today, I don't believe I've ever experienced anything like it. It wasn't nearly as bad here as it was in Richmond, what we felt was just an aftershock. We gathered our supplies, filled the gerry can with non ethanol gas for our generator. Filled our water jugs with water, and now it looks like Irene won't come here.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Quiet day at home today, doing laundry. We did go out for lunch today, there was a big crowd at the Wild Wings they were doing a 'draft' for Fantasy Football. The guys at work play Fantasy Football and talk about all football season.... how they figure out who wins is beyond me... it's a complicated system that I do not understand at all.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
BAIL'EM OUT!!! ???? Hell, back in 1990, the Government seized the Mustang Ranch brothel in Nevada for tax evasion and, as required by law, tried to run it. They failed and it closed. Now, we are trusting the economy of our country, our banking system, our auto industry and possibly our health plans to the same nit-wits who couldn't make money running a whore house and selling whiskey?!"
"What are we thinking?"
A friend sent me that Maxineism... I LOVE it. The one on my page is from my Maxine calendar... I'm a big fan of Maxine cartoons.
I spent a lazy morning in bed doing color charts with the watercolor pencils that I have... I'm hoping I like the new ones Kate recommends are better. I also worked on a drawing for a friend's Christmas card, I hope she likes it.
I spent a lazy morning in bed doing color charts with the watercolor pencils that I have... I'm hoping I like the new ones Kate recommends are better. I also worked on a drawing for a friend's Christmas card, I hope she likes it.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Got a pedicure after work today... it is one of my few indulgences. I signed up for Kate Johnson's watercolor pencil mini online class. I'm enjoying the first lesson, and I've ordered some new pencils to try out.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Rained this afternoon, so Ron came and picked me up at work and we went to '5 guys' for a burger for dinner, while we waited for the storm to pass.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Unlike me, Burwell took up the piano again, he was also a cartoon artist for National Lampoon and composer scores for films... but his original quote could have been my own... I can still read music, but I never had any musical talent, my brothers are musically gifted... wasn't my calling. My daughter loves music and is quite talented, and her girls love music too... so my lack of talent wasn't passed on in my genes.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
I love the fabric patterns on my purse, so I picked one flower to draw. We're having cooler weather for the last couple of days, I can see Fall in the color of the sky. School started this week, so Fall weather can't be too far around the corner.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Monday, Monday... one thing I love about Everyday Matters Group is the LIST... Karen Winters maintains and keeps the LIST here
When I can't think of anything to draw, I can pick something from the list... today a remote... we have more of these things than we have TVs.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Kelly's Bar-B-Q where we go for breakfast meetings, have working hurricane oil lamps mounted on the walls... I've never been to Kelly's during a power outage, so I don't know if they light them or not. I had to give drawing them a go.
Got a little paint on my paper today, sky and clouds done... and a rose that I need to try again at... but putting paint on paper was a fun break between loads of laundry today.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Wonky fork... it isn't this short and stubby and the tines aren't this fat... but it does look a little like a fork. I was going to paint today, but one chore led to another and I never got to it. I did sort all my tube paints and put them in zip lock bags, labeled Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Purple, and Orange. Now maybe when I'm looking for a tube of paint I'll be able to find it quicker.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Rain... lots of nice rain today, but Gracie was NOT pleased. She will not go outside if it is raining. I tried to find more 'attitude' quotes, alas, the page remains mostly white... happens some days :-)
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Beau does love his tug toys... when Ron and he were living on the sailboat, he had a monkey fist the he loved to chew on, and he finally untied it. Some dog trainer are against letting dogs play tug.... my dogs over the years have always loved games of tug, and I like them too. As long as the dog is trained to stop, and let go on command, no aggression or behavior issues will result in my opinion.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Got caught in a thunderstorm on the way home from work on the scooter... was soaked thru and thru by the time I got home... made my flowers happy though... we really need the rain.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
This is what the wallpaper looks like at the clinic where I got my mammogram today. They had a message board in the waiting area that I drew last year, but the board is gone now.. I wonder why they took it down?
I'm a kidney cancer survivor and so I take cancer very seriously. So ladies out there... get your Mammograms done.. don't put it off... it could save your life.
I'm a kidney cancer survivor and so I take cancer very seriously. So ladies out there... get your Mammograms done.. don't put it off... it could save your life.
Monday, August 8, 2011
I got this stencil brush...not for stencils but for spatter, and maybe textures on trees...
I've signed up for A Brenda Swenson workshop, at Cheap Joe's in Boone NC in October. I'm really looking forward to going to the mountains in the fall... just thinking about Fall leaves and mountains while the temps push 100... is cool to think about.
I've signed up for A Brenda Swenson workshop, at Cheap Joe's in Boone NC in October. I'm really looking forward to going to the mountains in the fall... just thinking about Fall leaves and mountains while the temps push 100... is cool to think about.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
A standing room only crowd showed up for the first Tim Scott Presidential townhall meeting tonight. Jon Huntsman spoke to the crowd and fielded questions for about an hour. I was not a fan of Jon Huntsman before seeing him tonight, he was relaxed and personable tonight. His answers seemed a bit targeted to what he THOUGHT a room full of conservatives wanted to hear. He missed the mark on quite a few items, and dodged answering directly on others. If Jon manages to win the nomination, I'll willingly vote for him to replace Obama, but I don't see myself voting for him in the primary.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
We're have a 'tax free' weekend for people buying school supplies. The Goose Creek 9-12 group is participating in a program called 'Stuff the Bus', where people fill a back pack with school supplies for needy children. So I shopped today for supplies for 2 kids, 1st and 2nd grade... boy do I feel for parents that may be struggling or have more than one child to buy supplies for... it was a LOT more expensive than I remembered from when my daughter was little. I got myself a yellow pencil case, has a carabiner on the side. I already have a black one this size that my travel palette fits inside with my travel brushes. This new one I put some of my pens, markers and my small gouache palette.
My heart goes out to the families of those 31 soldiers killed in Afghanistan this morning... such a tragic loss of American's finest young men. Say a prayer for them and for the soldiers still fighting in the dessert heat this Summer.
My heart goes out to the families of those 31 soldiers killed in Afghanistan this morning... such a tragic loss of American's finest young men. Say a prayer for them and for the soldiers still fighting in the dessert heat this Summer.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Readers, I have a pair in every room, as well as a pair in my purse. These are the ones on my computer desk, It was hard to draw them without them on, but I was too lazy to go to another room to get another pair.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Hazy, hot and humid... Sun was brutal today... I sure hope Emily turns and comes our way... we could use some rain from a tropical storm.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Kongs are the only dog toys I've ever had that none of my dogs, big or small have been able to destroy. The kong has nothing to do with the quote... I love Will Rodgers, it's a shame we don't have a humorist like him around today... his words ring true still and reminds me that there is nothing new under the Sun.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Watching a painting video and trying to do a color wheel for my journal page... as you can see I can not multi-task... one thing at a time and I'm fine...
Monday, August 1, 2011
This little bird cage is a patten on the fabric of my new Fossil pill box... found the bird quote... and that's a wrap today.
I like the light pink flower center, and the dark red one next to it... the rest of it... well isn't at ALL the look I had in my head... I've given up on it now.
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