Friday, January 25, 2013


Spent the evening, playing a video on artist network tv, over and over... it keeps hanging up and buffering at different points.  The only recourse is to start over.  This is one annoying part of this service, that I've complained to them about... but they don't download the videos to your computer's temp storage to play them... (to keep people from stealing their videos), unfortunately if their servers are busy... the videos won't play.  So I play them over and over while I watch tv... hoping to get to the part of the video (at the end) that I want to see.  Been doing this since 5pm today, just locked up again... so I start over one more time.  If it doesn't load this time I'm going to bed.


  1. Boy I love that quote! Peace pilgrim was a unique one, just heard about her the other day. We have no artist network TV here, so count yourself lucky! Isn't this nail clip wonderful! Nicely done. There is such a beauty in some of these small inventions we take for granted. My favorite is the paper clip, such an elegant shape.

  2. Thanks Dan... you have artist network tv, it's an internet video service... google it. Every video on art you can imagine is on there... for the record I did finally see the part of the video I wanted to see. I'm subscribed just to the watercolor videos and I do think the subscription is worth every penny.

  3. I like the quote too. You are so creative!!!

  4. Thank Liuba... that's very kind of you to say.
