Sunday, November 30, 2008


Nov30Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Rainy day today... we didn't do much except going to the Gun Show and out for lunch. I did manage to finish the painting I've been working on for a week now.


Materhorn , originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Excercise from Bob Davies Watercolor video lessons... on 9x12 Arches watercolor block


Matterhorn-Rocks, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Added dark rock shapes, with mix of Ultra Marine Blue and Burnt Umber. Need to add trees to finish this one... hopefully today.


Matterhorn-Shadows, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Put in the shadows this morning... hopefully I'll have time to do the rocks tonight.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Nov29Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.Spent the day in the Jeep rained most of the day, so plenty of mud, and no dust today :-)

Friday, November 28, 2008


Nov28Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

My mother's mother we called "Hello"... my older brother gave her that name... you see she wanted to be called 'Grand-mother', not MeeMaw, or Granny... so she set out to teach Gene (my brother) by saying to him 'Say 'Hello to your Grand-mother'...every time she saw him...even before he could talk... he learned to talk... and of course called her "Hello".... and so did the rest of us. She loved shopping at Rich's in downtown Atlanta, on Thanksgiving night Rich's would hold the 'Lighting of the Great Tree', local choirs would line the bridge floors between the parking garage and the store... the street would be closed to traffic and thousands of Atlantans (me and my daughter too) would line the street, sing Christmas carols... and ooh and ahh when the final song "Oh Holy Night" ended with the lighting of the tree. I'm really sad that Rich's went out of business and that tradition ended with them.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Nov27Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Happy Thanksgiving! Today I'm thankful for family and good food... I LOVE the smell of turkey roasting in the oven, last night the house was full of the smell of cakes... today... TURKEY!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Nov26Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

My friends sustain me and make my life rich in so many ways... my dearest friend is Carol, she and I have been friends since high school... at our age... that is a very, very long time... I cannot name all my other friends, because I'd surely forget someone, and I don't want to hurt my friends... EVER!! Happy Thanksgiving my friends.

Just found this you tube video... you must see this... click on the picture to see the video....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Matterhorn tidemark gone

Matterhorn tidemark gone, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Effectively got rid of the 'bad' spot (called a tide mark) ... for those unfamiliar with the term, in watercolor, when gravity pools the water and pigment in one spot... it forms a hard line, like the tide on the beach will leave a line of sea weed or flotsom... thus the name... tide mark


Matterhorn-Sky2, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Re-wet the sky, and repainted with a stronger mix of UMB....hit it with a hair dryer when I finally got what I wanted.


Nov25Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

A good man in hard to find...and I've certainly kissed a bunch of frogs and married too many of them in my life... so I especially appreciate my husband's fine qualities, and am thankful we are able to share our days together. They also say a hard man is good to find... and that's true too :-)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Matterhorn Tidemark

Matterhorn Tidemark, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Unfortunately... got an ugly tide mark, tried to scrub it out... not sure if I'll continue with this one or start over.

Materhorn - Step 1 Sky

Materhorn - Step 1 Sky, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Sky painted in Ultra Marine Blue

Matterhorn - Drawing

Matterhorn - Drawing, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Just getting this drawn gave me fits


Nov24Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

I have so many things to be thankful for. One day, just isn't enough time for me to ponder my blessings.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Nov23Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

The new microwave has consumed my day.. and it still isn't in... I'm taking a break now.. Ron is back from the store and hard at work on it again... time for me to go help.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Nov22Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Well our hockey team lost to the Dayton Bombers... a richly deserved loss... if I do say so myself, they were not playing their A game tonight. Been a long day, hopefully tomorrow I'll get my new microwave installed... I have missed my microwave very much...

Friday, November 21, 2008

West Mitten Butte

West Mitten Butte, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Another Bob Davies Painting exercise, I am working on the 'mountain' exercises now.


Nov21Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

I'm trying to find big ribbons to decorate the Jeep like a rolling present... but I'm not having much luck finding what I want.... looks like more shopping in store for me this weekend... have I mentioned I HATE shopping.

Yao the Dog....

Lisa and Yao... put my blog on the net.... what's funny about this, is that I went to her blog and commented on her sketches and didn't even notice what was on the computer screen... check it out...

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Nov20Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

I've forgotten whose blog I found
on... but I decided to give it a try this month. If you look at the big version of the photo, there's a rope, tied in a knot, hanging in the fork of the tree... I just focused on that part of the photo.... It was fun to draw, not sure I like how my tree colors turned out.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Nov19Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Got my Anita Davies 'Close to Home' book today... only one complaint... I want it BIGGER!!! Anita's drawings are amazing and I want to visit the villages where these houses are.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Nov18Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Lola wanted to know what I do for a living... I'm a computer programmer.. the old fashioned kind. I know all the 'new' stuff like HTML, Perl, C++, XML but nobody will hire an old woman to do those things... and I can still find a bit of work, doing the work the kids just out of school can't do... and it keeps me in plenty of paint and paper and in it's own way is a creative outlet as well... I LIKE my job and the work that I do is rewarding.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Nov17Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Too cold to ride the scooter today... supposed to get even colder... BRRRR.. I do not like it cold... no I don't.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Nov16Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Managed to squeeze in one trail this morning ... then the long drive home... it's good to be home..
click here to see pictures from the Jeep trip


Nov15Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

The skys opened and we were blessed with top down weather today... everyone had a fun.


Nov14Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Spent most of the day in the car... messy, rain... all, day long.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Nov13Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Tied up some loose ends at work, left over Chili and rice for dinner... got the dogs new harnesses for the trip... still need to pack... then off to the mountains tomorrow.. I'll draw a little something every day... but it's very hard to do in the Jeep... I'm thinking my knitting project may just get finished on this trip.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Nov12Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Ideas few and far want to know what I did today.?

Art Journalist at work

Art Journalist at work, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Helen snapped a photo of me, doing my journal entry page on the beach on Monday after class... Looks like I'm using my Nija brush, and my new kit on the bench beside me... Thanks for sending me this Helen.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Nov11Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Not a lot of time to draw in my journal... last day of the seminar with Helen... finishing up my painting... I learned so much I need to sit down and make a list so that I can start practicing the techniques I learned.


Stonebarm, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Used the scanner instead of the camera, so parts of this got cropped off... So lessons learned here, #1 doen't use transfer paper... it shows up on the final painting big time. My rocks are a bit garish in color, in part because my reference photo was so dull in color. So #2, start with a GOOD photo. There's more but I won't bore you with it all.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Nov10Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

What a great workshop/seminar we're having. Helen Beacham is such a fabulous teacher. I learned more in the first hour than I did in 8 weeks of a drawing class this year. Now to remember it all and put it into practice....


Day1Underpainting, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

This is the first under painting layer on my painting for the workshop... Stay tuned for the rest of the story.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Nov09Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Spent a lazy Sunday, only 'work' I did was loading up the car with all my painting equipment for the workshop tomorrow. Gracie is enjoying being lazy with me... she's a champion napping dog... whoever thinks JRT's are constantly wild... do not know my Jacks.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Nov08Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Ron managed to retrieve a some of my pictures... I'm really bummed I lost so many... I'll just have to go again tomorrow...

Across from Battery Park Charleston

Tradd Street Charleston

Tradd Street Charleston, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

This tree caught my eye, see the scooter up the street... that's mine.

167 Tradd St Charleston SC

167 Tradd St Charleston SC, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

I liked this door.. and the gas light.

Harbor Tours and Sailing vessel

Near the Harbor Pilot's Pier couldn't resist a picture of a sailboat today.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Nov07Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Our old microwave finally quit working, well for me anyway... Ron seems to think it's fine... so he's doing all the cooking from now on. LOL

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Nov06Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Check out she has some great photos of fall color, she and I are taking a drawing class together online... I'm hoping to turn one of her photos into a painting some day. I also found this professional photographers site today... and bought a couple of his photos of Japan. Now I'm really pumped to get out this weekend and take some pictures.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Nov05Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Just some random doodles today... I did not do well shooting tonight guess I need to practice some more.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Mt Fuji at Sunrise

Mt Fuji at Sunrise, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Watercolor Exercise based on Bob Davies Video lessons... this is 9x12 Cold Pressed Arches watercolor block.


Nov04Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

The people are finally having their say... and boy are they. I've voted in every Presidential Election since I turned 18... this is without a doubt the longest I've ever had to wait to vote... and the most people I've seen voting... tonight the cars are still parked in the street and people are standing in line in the dark drizzly rain to vote... no matter who wins tonight I'm proud of my fellow citizens today.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Nov03Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Woman at lunch had a neck that reminded me of football players... I did not draw her while I was sitting there... I waited until I got back to work... I guess I'm too chicken to draw people in public... my drawings aren't that good... and if they are good they may be very unflattering.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Nov02Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Got a stencil at Staples... not sure I like it... too 'stiff'. Used my Watercolor Tombow markers to color this. The more I use them the better I like them.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Nov01Art, originally uploaded by CaptElaine.

Spent the whole day visiting or going to a hockey game... day is done... and I'm turning back my clock and heading to bed.